Performance | Event

The Strange and the Familiar

Saturday 14 January 2023 -
Saturday 14 January 2023

16 : 30 | Santiniketan

About The Event

The abstract physical vocabulary of dance developed at Chowk is drawn from the traditional and the historical, and is similar to the way cities form and mold themselves around monuments and public spaces. This performance was inspired by sculptures, drawing parallels between the moving human body through Chowk’s physical vocabulary and the materiality of sculptures.

About Chowk Productions:

Founded in 2014 by Raka Maitra, Chowk Productions is a home for Singapore-made dance-theatre that delves deep into the heart of Asian movement and theater traditions to develop a contemporary performance vocabulary for actors and dancers.
Through training rooted in classical Odissi and artistic productions with a process-oriented, research-based approach, Chowk’s mission is to develop an Asian contemporary movement expression that dissolves the dichotomy between tradition and modernity.
Chowk has a centre that offers dance classes and a dance company that creates artistic productions and engages in research. The dance classes include regular lessons in Odissi dance for a range of ages, from children to adults, as well as periodic workshops in other traditional Asian somatic practices.

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