6:30 pm | Goa
Join us for a talk, ‘Resources, Conflicts and Protests: Some Experiences from Himalaya’ by Shekhar Pathak, a historian, editor, publisher, activist, and traveler.
Saturday, 25 January 2025
6.30pm onwards
Himalaya is home to a geo-geographical-biological diversity and a multitude of human concerns and constructs. The ecology evolved by this mountain has become the basis for the existence of the natural as well as cultural systems of South Asia. This ‘sub-continental arc’ is dynamic and active.
Its rich soil and water amazingly transforms the landscape and human life in the plains. Its communities and their cultures, which arrived and settled over millennia, have spread out in many directions. Its lofty peaks make a formidable barrier and controls the climate of South Asia. Its wilderness, a confluence of natural and spiritual energies, has given vent to a plethora of flora and fauna. The abundance of a multiplicity of raw material provides the basis for mineral, metallurgical, oil, timber, woollen and medicinal industries.
Today the resources and potentials of Himalaya are being extracted and destroyed at an unsustainable rate, way beyond what can be regenerated. Hydroelectric projects, unscientific road building, mining, pressure on biodiversity, out-migration of communities, fast urbanization along with the impact of globalization, privatization, consumerism, corporatisation and climate change are serious concerns, with deep implications for the future of the Himalaya. With an avoidance of democratic debate, dilution of environmental/EIA laws marked by the state’s allergy for the recommendations of different commissions on Himalaya and sidelining of communities, this highest and most sacred mountain range on earth has been hijacked by an inadequate model of development fabricated by our political economy. The biggest challenge for the mountain communities is to maintain their dignity and self-respect, while retaining their right to live in their territories. Without realizing the ecological centrality of Himalaya, neither its uniqueness nor its association with our common future can be understood.
In this presentation, Shekhar Pathak is keen to talk about the ecological centrality of Himalaya with emphasis on resources, conflicts and protests.
About Shekhar Pathak:
Shekhar Pathak taught in Kumaon University for more than 3 decades (1974-2006), had been Fellow of Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla (1995-98) and Centre for Contemporary Study, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi (2005-09). He has worked on different aspects of Himalayan history, culture, folk lore and Himalayan explorations. His works on Coolie Begar system, forest/Chipko movement, languages of Uttarakhand, Himalayan histories and definitive biography of explorer Nain Singh Rawat are well known. He is associated with Askot Arakot Abhiyans, other Himalayan study tours; Bhasha/People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI) and PAHAR Foundation and edits the journal PAHAR. He was for some years associated with WMPA (World Mountain People Association) and was its Vice President for Asia/Himalaya. He served as Member of the committees in NCERT, ICSSR, GBPIHED and President of UP History Congress and Uttarakhand History and Culture Society. He has published a few books, which includes two travel books, some research papers and popular articles across various media. Shekhar Pathak has been travelling in Indian Himalayan regions/states, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet for more than 4 decades and collected documentation for the study of Himalayan history, folk culture, languages, places, landscapes, monuments, different personalities, folklore and music.
He was awarded Padmshri by President of India in 2006 and Rahul Sankrityayan Award in 2007. He got Kamla Devi Chattopadhyay Award of New India Foundation for his book ‘The Chipko Movement: A People’s History’ in 2022.
Venue: Arthshila Goa
273, Nachinola, North Goa: 403508