Art | Dialogue

Rehearsing Law

Sunday 27 October 2024 -
Sunday 27 October 2024

18 : 30 | Ahmedabad

About The Event

Arthshila Ahmedabad invites you for a Dialogue, ‘Rehearsing Law’ with Zuleikha Chaudhari and Trina Nileena Banerjee.

Date: 27 October 2024 | Saturday.
Time: 6.30 pm onwards. 

Through the dialogue and readings, the session will focus on questions such as, What role can theatre play as a means of knowledge and memory production, especially in the case of historical knowledge? Can theatre help us arrive at different forms of justice and judgement that remain outside the reach of the courtroom? If court records can be considered a public archive where the scrutiny of documentation is a matter of justice and politics – can theatre be considered a ‘counter-archival’ practice which allows us to read legal texts against the grain, revealing lacunae, silences and omissions in the archive?

Zuleikha Chaudhari is a theatre director and lighting designer based in Delhi. 2015 onwards she has been exploring the framework of law as performance, the role of performance in law and the performativity of legal truth-production. She is the director of the Alkazi Theatre Archives at The Alkazi Foundation for the Arts, New Delhi and currently a scholar at the Center for Race and Gender at the University of California, Berkeley.

Trina Nileena Banerjee has worked on a history of women in the group theatre movement in Bengal between 1950 and 1980. She has also been researching the interfaces between women’s movements and political theatre in contemporary Manipur for several years. She is currently an Assistant Professor in Cultural Studies at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences Calcutta.

Venue: Arthshila Ahmedabad
2-G, opposite Ahmedabad Management Association, Panjrapol, Ambawadi – 380015.

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