17 : 30 | Ahmedabad
Arthshila Ahmedabad’s Film Showcase this week in collaboration with Public Service Broadcasting Trust (PSBT) features ‘Notes on Guler’ by Amit Dutta.
02 Feb. 2024 (Fri) | 5.30 pm.
03 – 04 Feb. 2024 (Sat – Sun) | 11.30 am.
Duration: 52 minutes.
Language: Hindi, English.
Producer and Commissioning Editor: Rajiv Mehrotra.
Notes on Guler is a film about Guler, a small principality near Kangra, which was an artistic and cultural wellspring since its accidental inception in the 15th century. Many greats like painters Pandit Seu, his sons Manaku and Nainsukh and the poet Brajraj were born here. The system of patronage under which lofty endeavours were possible even in financially austere conditions, is today gone. Tragically, even the physical landscape is submerged under a dam. The Film seeks out some traces of the submerged past, through the memories of those left behind, a condensation of a bygone civilisation.
Public Service Broadcasting Trust (PSBT) commissions and mentors films driven by personal passion and social relevance, enlarging the scope and potential of documentary practice. Since 2000, its films have been screened in nearly 2000 international festivals, and won more than 340 awards.