17 : 00 | Ahmedabad
Arthshila Ahmedabad’s Film Showcase for the weekend of 29 Sept – 01 Oct features a line-up of animated films. The showcase is open for all age groups.
‘Printed Rainbow’ by Gitanjali Rao is the journey of an old woman and her cat through the fantastical world of matchbox covers.
‘Summer Story’ by Nina Sabnani is based on K.G. Subramanyan’s illustrated book under the same title which retells the old story of the thirsty crow in today’s context where Ink drawings on paper and animation are used as a tool.
‘The Balloon’ by B.R. Shendge is a short film warning people against rumor-mongering. Rumors can make a mountain out of a molehill.
‘Shape’ by Johnny Kelly highlights the changes happening around us that we don’t ordinarily notice, and how they affect us. Breaking the film into a series of scenarios, presents design within wide contexts, prompts curiosity, and identifies some of the practitioners working in these contexts.
‘Balance’ by Christoph Lauenstein and Wolfgang Lauenstein shows the setting on a floating platform where a group of evenly and carefully placed men lives. Each man is aware that the platform is not stable and in order not to fall to their death, they maintain a careful balance of weight to prevent the platform from tipping too far and causing them all to fall. This reasonably harmonious understanding is lost when one man pulls up a heavy trunk. In the ensuing struggle, balance is lost in more than one sense. ‘
Apathy’ by Clement Baptista is a film which is made humorously to show the common man’s apathy in his day-to-day behavior.
Join us for the showcase at 5.00 pm on 29 September 2023 (Friday) and at 11.30 am on 30 September and 01 October 2023 (Saturday – Sunday).