Design | Presentation

Presentations by Prof. Percy Adil Pithawala

Saturday 8 April 2023 -
Saturday 8 April 2023

18 : 00 | Ahmedabad

About The Event

Join us for the presentation series ‘Design Futures’ by Prof. Percy Adil Pithawala on Saturday, 8 April 2023 at 6.00 pm.

Design Futures is an outreach platform, an initiative undertaken by The Red Studio in collaboration with Arthshila Ahmedabad to broaden horizons and open up fresh discourses amongst academia, students, and professionals through a multi-disciplinary learning exposure from allied fields of Design. In the first session of the series, Prof. Percy Pithawala will talk about Antony Gormley and Olafur Eliasson.

Presentation on Antony Gormley attempts to investigate and understand systems of thought processes in his artworks, drawings, and installations which challenges established norms of perception, scale, and experience in relation to human body and the larger world.

Olafur Eliasson is a Danish-Icelandic Artist known for Sculptures and large scaled Installations employing elemental materials such as light, water, and air temperature to enhance the viewer’s experience. Eliasson puts experience at the center of his art and he hopes that viewers would encounter it and become more aware of their own senses. Eliasson’s installations effectively articulate issues of Climate emergency and Sustainability.

About Prof. Percy Adil Pithawala:

Prof. Percy Adil Pithawala is an architect, academic, and artist with over 30 years in academia and profession. He is a Gold medalist from M.S.University, Baroda after which he subsequently pursued a Master’s in Urban Design from Pratt Institute, New York with excellence honours. He founded The Red Studio in Baroda in 2018 with an objective to further the discourse in Design education, academia, and practice. Thru the Red Studio Prof. Pithawala conducts several design workshops on Art and Architecture, Histories and theories at institutes all over the country. He is currently involved in undertaking Design studios at undergraduate and master’s level at CEPT University as well as associated closely in evolving foundation level pedagogy at Parul University, Baroda. He also mentors thesis students from several institutions including M.S. University, IED Vidhyanagar, PIAR, CEPT University.

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