Architecture | Talk

City as a Spiritual Factory A Talk by Rohan Chavan of RC Architects

Saturday 24 June 2023 -
Saturday 24 June 2023

18 : 30 | Ahmedabad

About The Event

Join us for a Talk with Rohan Chavan this Saturday, 24 June 2023 at 6.30 pm.

The talk will demonstrate three themes to illustrate the importance of design to make cities “liveable”. The first theme concerns collective housing and creating facilities for the truck driver’s community. As India’s trade and transportation rely heavily on trucks and truck drivers, a profession that has seen a rapid decline in numbers due to negligible amenities and excessive responsibilities. The second looks at the typology of single-family houses in tight semi-urban contexts and the third explores the possibilities of interconnecting the bodily activities of releasing, napping, and rejuvenating in one complex.

About Rohan Chavan:
Rohan Chavan is an architect and designer. He started his practice in Mumbai in 2015 with the intent to work on projects and issues related to public and community sanitation, urban design, affordable and low-cost housing, single-family homes, space design, and institutions. His unique approach toward living patterns and bold spaces are the highlights of his design practice. His belief about architecture as a science emerged from man’s humble need for shelter reflects in his practice where he fuses modern materials in a vernacular pattern. His work is exhibited at national and international exhibitions.

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