Performing Arts | Events

Evening Raga

Saturday 25 November 2023 -
Saturday 25 November 2023

17 : 30 | Santiniketan

About The Event

Arthshila Santiniketan in collaboration with ITC Sangeet Research Academy presents ‘Evening Raga’ As the nippy autumn evening closes in, find solace in the soothing embrace of Hindustani Classical Music.

Arthshila Santiniketan in collaboration with ITC Sangeet Research Academy, brings forth a musical evening with Medha Basu, accompanied by Bivash Sanghai and Jyotirmoy Banerjee embarks on a musical journey, capturing the complex melancholy and romance of this fleeting season. It’s a moment of poise before winter’s chill sets in.

Don’t miss this enchanting musical experience!

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