17 : 30 | Ahmedabad
Arthshila Ahmedabad’s Film Showcase this week features ‘Lovely Villa’ by Rohan Shivkumar & Avijit Mukul Kishore‘ and ‘The Nomad Puppeteer’ by Mani Kaul.
‘Lovely Villa’ explores the architecture of the Colony through a personal narrative. It is a film about the relationship between architecture, everyday life, family, coming of age and the memory of ‘home’. Every house carries the spirits of those who lived there and those yet to come. We are all marked by the architecture of the homes we live in. Lovely Villa is the apartment building where the filmmaker grew up, studying to become an architect. Designed by Charles Correa, this LIC colony represents an imagination of the ideal community for modern India.
‘The Nomad Puppeteer’ is a brief cinematographic report on the string puppets of Rajasthan, their traditional method of manipulation, changing idiom and the living conditions of the puppeteers who live nomadic life. The circulation of films in India through a wide distribution system has made the travels of these nomad puppeteers completely ineffectual. In the absence of puppeteering work, they have developed two distinct but allied skills: making of statues and selling puppets as toys, as also street singing.
Join us for the showcase at 5.30 pm on 07 July 2023 (Friday) and at 11.30 am on 08 – 09 July 2023 (Saturday – Sunday).