Photography | Talk

Parsis of Ahmedabad A Talk by Bindi Sheth

Saturday 17 June 2023 -
Saturday 17 June 2023

18 : 30 | Ahmedabad

About The Event

Join us for a Talk by Photographer Bindi Sheth on Saturday, 17 June 2023 at 6.30 pm.

Bindi has been documenting the Parsis of Ahmedabad for the last two and a half years. She has photographed 70 families and a few events like Navjote. In this session, she will share glimpses of her documentation journey with the audience.

Bindi Sheth is a freelance photographer based in Ahmedabad (India), who believes that there is no way one can walk away from an image without an opinion. Over the past two and a half decades, she has shot series on the contemporary artists of India, documented the Bene Israeli Jewish community of Ahmedabad, patients in a 1960’s physiotherapy centre called ‘Pritam Nagar no Akhado’, a series called ‘Loyal Exports’, documenting the work of Austrian ceramist Matthias Kaiser in Gujrat households; ‘Like Us’ – the work of an NGO that serves special children, whose photobook was published in 2019.

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