Literature | Photographers and Writers

Hum Sab Sahmat: Resisting a Nation without Citizens

Sunday 14 May 2023 -
Saturday 17 June 2023

18 : 00 | Santiniketan

About The Event

‘Hum Sab Sahmat: Resisting a Nation without Citizens’, displaying artistic expressions of over 250 artists, photographers and writers across India, is not only an ode to the core values that have guided Sahmat’s democratic mission but also an event to collectively reflect upon the present conjuncture. It has been seventy-five years since we made a solemn commitment to equal rights and dignity to all its citizens as enshrined in the Constitution. However, in recent days, it is both the spirit and the text of this sovereign document that finds itself increasingly under attack. Hum Sab Sahmat or We All Agree is a testament to resisting a nation being shaped without its citizens.

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