17 : 30 | Ahmedabad
Arthshila Ahmedabad’s Film Showcase this week features ‘Khajuraho Millennium’ by Kamal Swaroop and ‘Mandu – The City of Joy’ by Niel Gokhale.
About Khajuraho Millennium
The film is about Khajuraho – the city of Gods. During the period of Hindu renaissance, temple architecture received a striking impetus and we see its most eloquent expression in the inspiring group of temples at Khajuraho.
About Mandu – The City of Joy
This film takes us through the 600 year old deserted palaces which once formed part of the great kingdom of Malwa. The film weaves a magic web of mystery, haunting melodies and soulful yearnings echoing through the relics of massive fortresses, ancient domes and tranquil pools of lotus ponds on which the image of Rupmati and her love songs linger amidst the great architectural splendour of a now forgotten past.
Join us for the screening at 5.30 pm on Friday, 09 Dec 2022 and at 11.30 am on Saturday & Sunday, 10 – 11 December 2022.